Strengths / weaknesses analysis

Strengths / weaknesses analysis

Process of a strengths & weaknesses analysis

Procedure for the strengths / weaknesses analysis

  1. You first focus on your competitive environment. Who are your competitors in the market. If you come across a large number of competitors, concentrate on the 3 most important ones.
  2. Then identify your own strengths and weaknesses – always in comparison to the competition. If there is a strength or weakness in everyone, that is not differentiation and you don’t need to capture it.
  3. In the last step, you evaluate your results in order to draw necessary conclusions. This includes, for example, necessary measures that need to be taken. Or you define strategic priorities that should be given greater attention.

Description of the strengths / weaknesses analysis

The strengths / weaknesses analysis allows you to analyze your strengths and weaknesses in comparison to direct competition. The approach focuses on a company’s strengths and weaknesses. The method is derived from the SWOT analysis , but focuses on two of the four fields. In many cases, this is sufficient to identify necessary measures, new ideas or strategic options. The last step in particular is crucial in order to derive concrete activities from pure analysis results.

Thematic classification

This is an analysis tool to realign your company compared to the competition.

Who benefits from this method?

  • Organizations
  • Business units
  • Projects
  • products and services

Limits of Application

Good knowledge of the competitive environment and potential newcomers is required. The insights gained are mostly short-term measures that affect the current situation. Future market developments and opportunities require a more advanced methodology such as the SWOT analysis.

Alternate Methods

Corporate strategy

Strategy Framework

Procedure for developing a strategy with ConWISE

Procedure for developing a corporate strategy

  1. Guiding : Helpful in developing a strategy is having a mission and vision for the company. At the beginning you have the choice: (1) you create a new mission and vision, or (2) you first enter the valid vision and mission, or (3) you only derive the mission and vision at the end of the strategy work.
  2. Analyzing : You then analyze the impact inside and outside your organization. This is done with the help of a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats).
  3. Targeting : The results are the basis for possible options for action. You evaluate these according to relevance and then derive the strategic core goals.
  4. Planning : You record suitable measures for the core goals and plan them in the form of a roadmap.
  5. Finalizing : Finally, check the results again and summarize them into a central statement of the corporate strategy (strategy statement).

Description of the ConWISE approach to developing a corporate strategy

With the Strategy Framework you develop the future direction of your company, department or organization. With the help of the frameworks you determine your positioning in the market or within the company. You also determine where your opportunities and risks lie in the future. In short: the Strategy Framework provides the way to achieve your goals. As a result, you will receive strategic guidelines and focal points, concrete initiatives, strategic goals and an overarching roadmap.

Thematic classification

The strategy framework is a central instrument of strategic management.

Who benefits from the ConWISE method for developing a corporate strategy?

  • Organizations
  • Companies
  • Startups
  • Departments
  • Business Units

Practical tips

  • Use the creativity methods of the ConWISE platform.
  • Invite other people outside of your core team to individual drafts. In this way, the actual strategy development remains within your team, but you benefit from additional hints and information from third parties.
  • Use management methods such as ” Six Thinking Hats ” to include different perspectives on the strategy.
  • Top management representatives should be involved in the creation of the guiding principles (vision, mission and values).
  • Think early on how you can communicate the results of the strategy development in your organization.
  • Ensure that top management shares and supports the results.
  • You can also learn how to create a good strategy for your business in our article “How to create a strategy” .

Limits of Application

No course of action can guarantee that you will develop a successful strategy. And of course, even with the right strategy, business success or the success of your department depends on many other factors. But guided by good questions and examples that the ConWISE platform gives you, you can avoid mistakes and achieve promising results in a short time.

Sales strategy

Sales strategy

Procedure for developing a sales strategy

Procedure for developing a sales strategy

  1. Analysis – where do we stand? You start with an analysis of the initial situation. The first thing to do is to deal with current and potential customer groups. The effects on the products and services on the one hand and the company on the other are then evaluated.
  2. Target Setting – Where do we want to go? You develop the strategic sales goals.
  3. Strategic Objectives – What do we have to achieve? You determine the operational goals, which are derived from the strategic sales goals.
  4. Strategic Planning – What measures do we derive? Based on the operational goals, concrete measures are determined for the individual customer groups.
  5. Results – You receive an automatically generated summary of the results in the form of a management report.

After strategy development, you control and monitor implementation. We recommend reviewing the strategy once a year and adapting it to changes.

Description of the ConWISE approach to developing a sales strategy

This approach to creating a sales strategy starts with the requirements of your customers and not what your company can do today. First, determine the strategic customer groups based on future demand. You then deal with the effects on your current products and services. Only then do you address the changes that are required for your company. The sales strategy is completed with the value proposition, the goals and the respective measures for each strategic customer group.

Thematic classification

This template for developing a sales strategy is a central instrument of strategic management.

Who benefits from the ConWISE method for developing a sales strategy?

  • Organizations
  • Companies
  • Sales and Sales Manager

Practical tips

  • Use the creativity methods of the ConWISE platform.
  • Invite other people outside of your core team to individual drafts. In this way, the actual strategy development remains within your team, but you benefit from additional hints and information from third parties.
  • Use management methods such as “ Six Thinking Hats ”. In doing so, you will go into different perspectives regarding the sales strategy.
  • Management representatives should be regularly informed about the work.
  • Think early on how you can communicate the results in your organization.
  • Make sure senior management shares and supports the results.

Limits of Application

No approach can guarantee that you will develop a successful sales strategy. And even with the right strategy, sales success naturally depends on many other factors. But guided by good questions and examples that the ConWISE platform gives you, you can avoid mistakes and achieve promising results in a short time.