Guidelines – Mission / Vision / Values

Mission Vision Values

Mission Vision Values


  1. First you define your mission – i.e. the purpose of the company, organization or project. You can use brainstorming to find relevant ideas.
  2. You then reflect to outline long-term goals. This will help you set up a suitable vision. You can also use brainstorming for this.
  3. Finally, describe the values you want your employees to stand for. It proves helpful when the mission and vision are already outlined.

Description of the guidelines (Mission Vision Values)

Vision, mission and values define the principles of a company, an organization, a functional unit or a large project. These are also referred to as corporate guidelines, organizational guidelines or project guidelines. The guidelines set out the long-term goal (the vision), the meaning and purpose (the mission) and the way of acting and day-to-day working (the values). The guidelines significantly determine the behavior of the employees both internally and externally and ensure that everyone acts according to a common target.

Thematic classification

The creation of guidelines is part of strategic management.

Who benefits from this method?

  • Organizations
  • Companies
  • Startups
  • Functional areas (IT, HR, …)
  • Project teams
  • Project Manager

Practical tips

  • Ideally, the guidelines should be drawn up by its management or the project sponsors; in any case, their involvement is necessary.
  • The communication should emanate from the company or project management so that acceptance is ensured and the meaning becomes aware.
  • ConWISE offers many examples of mission and vision statements as well as common values.
  • If you intend to develop a strategy, you can also define or transfer the guidelines there.
  • If you want to learn more about the importance of a mission and vision for your company’s strategy, read our article “From mission and vision to strategy” .