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AI Maturity Assessment

AI Maturity Assessment – Analysis Areas

Procedure for AI maturity assessment

  1. They each answer questions about the essential AI dimensions of strategy, organization, know-how, technology and data.
  2. Your answers are based on multiple choice and selective options.
  3. The result is a maturity score between 0-100% and the classification of the company in a so-called AI maturity model (Pro-Report).


This is a self-assessment tool with which you can use questions to determine your level of maturity and your current classification in relation to artificial intelligence.

Thematic classification of the AI maturity assessment

Assessment procedures

Who benefits from this method?

  • Organizations
  • Business units
  • Corporations
  • Departments
  • Startups

Limits of Application

A self-assessment only reflects a subjective assessment of your current situation. The fields of action shown are therefore options that require detailed analysis. You can read more about developing an AI strategy in our dedicated article .